Delivering a shared Council roads and transportation service across East and South Ayrshire

Grit Bin Application Form

Prior to completing this application form please ensure you have read the Grit Bin Policy and Guidance Notes. All data entered here will be subject to our Privacy Policy.

Please ensure you have the following information to hand when completing the grit bin application:

Your Details

  • Your current address including postcode
  • Your contact telephone number
  • Email address (Please note that this is important as we will provide an update by email to you regarding the progress of your application.)

Neighbourhood Notification

  • Address including postcode
  • Contact telephone number (if available)
  • Email address (if available)

Section 1 - Contact Details

Section 2 - Proposed Location of Grit Bin

Please include a sketch or photograph of the specific location

Section 3 - Qualifying Criteria Checklist

Section 4 - Neighbourhood Notification

The following neighbours adjacent to the proposed location have been consulted and have no objections to a grit bin being placed there or for Ayrshire Roads Alliance to contact them to discuss if required.

Section 5 - Declaration